The little town of Velddrif discovered in 1947, by Portuguese seafarer Vasco da Gama while he was looking for fresh water for his crew in the St Helena Bay. Since then Velddrif has become quite the flourishing fishing hub and the Bokkom Capital of the world. The Mullet and harder fish became a West Coast delicacy that had found its way into Hotels and Cafes, however, still very much an acquired taste.
About a hundred years ago, the wheat harvest from the Sandveld was brought down the Berg River to a storing place near the river mouth. There it was then loaded onto smaller boats to take the wheat across the sandbanks to bigger ships waiting further out, on their way to Cape Town. The “loading place” eventually became Laaiplek- adjacent to Velddrif. In 1968 the fishing harbour of Laaiplek was completed.
The flamingos and Pelicans are in abundance in the salt pans as well as in the estuary as you turn right into Velddrif on the way to Bokkom Laan. Do take the time to visit the estuary especially if you are a bird enthusiast.