About Karmenaadjie Bistro & Farm Stall
Contact – 060 752 2445
When you enter the door of this unique farm stall you are greeted with warmth by the owner and staff and if there is no table for you, you will be introduced to guests at a table that has space and you soon become part of this great family and make new friends. The menu is quite large so there is a meal to suit all palettes. You can also arrange for your meal to be served in a “Take Away” should you be in a hurry.
The Farm Stall is licensed and has Wines of the area as well as Beer from local breweries.
‘n ‘’Karmenaadjie’’ was ‘n ou Afrikaner Boeretradisie van voor die bestaan van koelkaste en koue geriewe, toe die enigste manier van bewaring in die vorm van, berook, pekel, vetbalie, asook droging
die uitweg was.
Vars vleis was ‘n skaarste en slegs beskore vir die wat pas geslag het en slegs vir ‘n paar dae daarna, natuurlik.
Vandaar die gewoonte om vir jou buurvrouens ‘n pakkie vars vleis te stuur as geskenkie, “Karmenaadjie” genoem, dat hulle iets vars kon gaarmaak en hopelik dat wanneer sý slag,sy jou weer sal onthou vir ‘n stukkie vars vleis.
A “Karmenaadjie” was an Afrikaner Boer tradition. This tradition occurred in the time before their was freezer options to preserve meat. There was no cold storage facilities and families used to preserve meat by either using the “smoking” method, preserving in “Brine”, or hanging the meat to dry. However, it was only after they have preserved it with salt. The meat was gifted among neighbors so that all had access to fresh meat.
The tradition started in the form of “gifting “. A packet of fresh meat called a “Karmenaadjie” was sent along with the neighbors to take home as a “gift and a greeting” to the person that received the gift.
However, it was also done in faith for the future, should the neighbors in turn slaughter meat or have access to fresh meat, they would return the sentiment and reciprocate with their gift which was called a “Karmenaadjie.